Completely Free Gifts in Wills

Raise Money For Your Charity With A Free Gifts In Wills Service

Legacy pledges are becoming ever more important to charities, which is why we actively support many non-profit organisations to make it as easy as possible for their supporters to leave a legacy. Over £150 million has now been pledged to numerous charities via Wills written on our website. Our Gifts in Wills Service is completely free to UK registered charities.

Free to set up.
Free to use.
Easy customisation.
No long term contracts.
Fast implementation.
Detailed reports.
First class support.
No cost to you.
No cost to your supporters.



solicitor checked Wills
Every single will is checked by an experienced practising solicitor
fundraiisng regulator approved
We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator to protect your supporters and your reputation
society of will writers
Proud members of The Society of Will Writers

Over £150 million raised for charity

We are one of the UK’s largest Will writers, and we’re proud to work with over 500 charities, large and small, with their legacy fundraising.

action tutoring
age cymru
alzheimers support
big issue north
mind birmingham
caterham school
cotswold dogs and cats home
cornwall animal hospital
cystic fibrosis care
essex wildlife trust
feeding families
headway devon
heart of kent hospice
kc uk
north west air ambulance
oracle cancer trust
paul strickland scanner centre
st josephs hospice
survival international
terrence higgins trust
theatre royal plymouth
cervical cancer
central ymca

Charlotte Kyte - Service Dogs UK

"We are amazed at the success we have had attracting funding with Free Wills and we now see it as a vital part of our fundraising activities."

Interested? Either find out more with this how it all works explanation or sign up for free now.