Gifts in Wills

Raise Money For Your Charity By Providing A Gifts In Wills Service

There are many ways to integrate, but at its simplest it is a matter of adding one button like this (any colour/size etc) on your legacy giving page, and we will take care of the rest for you.

What happens next?

When a potential donor clicks on your Create My Will link on your website, or from a link in an email from you, they will be directed to a bespoke mini website hosted by us, featuring your charity name and logo, as per the example below.

demo charity screen

They will be given a customised welcome message as per the message below identifying them as a supporter of your charity.

demo charity PC screen

Thereafter, they will create their Will with helpful step-by-step instructions, specifying their personal details, who they wish to be guardians of their children and pets, if appropriate, who they would like to leave their estate to, who they would like to be executors of their estate, who they wish to leave any valuable gifts to, what their funeral wishes are, what additional requests they may have, and crucially two opportunities to leave a donation to you.

demo charity forever frenchies screen

In the example above they are presented with the opportunity to leave a cash donation, and in the example below they are presented with the opportunity to leave a donation in the form of a percentage of their estate.

demo charity pledge

Once the Will is successfully created, your supporter will be emailed the Will together with signing instructions, ready for them to print off, and get signed and witnessed.

will cover

How will I know when people do this?

You will automatically be sent an email every time somebody makes a pledged donation, and if people have selected to opt-in we will pass their full details onto you, naturally in accordance with GDPR regulations. Additionally you will be given your own real time dashboard detailing the amounts pledged, whether pecuniary (cash) or residuary (percentage of estate) in graph and text format. The dashboard presents gender of pledgers, and age ranges in a pie chart format too. All information is easily downloadable in CSV format for you to integrate with your own CRM system for customised reporting.

demo charity donor dashboard

Why should I use you?

We are a team of experienced Will writers with a focus on helping charities, and over £95 million has been pledged to numerous charities via Wills written on our website. We are full members of The Society of Will Writers, and are the second largest Will writing organisation in the UK, having written over 65,000 Wills. For further peace of mind, ALL Wills created on our website are vetted, checked and approved by a practising solicitor, regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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Why do you do wills for free?

It's the classic win-win situation where everyone benefits. Your supporters get a fully legal bespoke will for free, you get legacy donations and we get new customers.

Free to set up.
Free to use.
Easy customisation.
No long term contracts.
Fast implementation.
Detailed reports.
First class support.
No cost to you, and no cost to your supporters.

We work with all charities - large and small. We will work with your developers to help with integration if needs be. We are happy to help in any presentation to your trustees if necessary.

Interested? Contact us to ask us any questions or to arrange a no obligation free demo.